Diffrentiation , Dediffrentiation and Rediffrentiation in plant cells


The differentiated cells of plant tissue regain the power of cell division through the dedifferentiation. The dedifferentiated cells lost the power of cell division through redifferentiation.

Dedifferentiation and redifferentiation are two processes that occasionally affect the ability to divide through mitosis.


In plants some cells are capable of cell division and get matured to perform the specific function. After maturation, these cells lost the property of cell division.This is called differentiation. The cells of  apical meristem of root and shoot are differentiated and mature to perform the specific functions. Similar phenomenon  of maturation of cells also seen in cells of cambium. The Act of plant cells towards maturation is differentiation.

During differentiation, cells make major or structural changes in their cell wall or protoplasm. For example Tracheary elements in xylem lost their protoplasm to get the maturation.They also develop a strong and elastic secondary cell wall made up of lignin and cellulose. It helps in long distance transportation of water in extreme conditions.


In special conditions or circumstances,some cells of a plant regain the ability of cell division after losing and after the  maturation.The living and differentiated cells that have lost the capacity to  cell division  and can regain  the capacity of cell division under certain conditions is called dedifferentiation.

For Ex- The cork and cork cambium from fully differentiated parenchymatous cells during the secondary growth of plants.

Dedifferentiation Is responsible for the plant to generate new cells by making large physiological or structural changes.

👌👌Remember - in lower animals and plants where regeneration is common, The dedifferentiation is found.


After the dedifferentiation, the plant again lost the property of cell division after the regaining.

This is termed Redifferentiation.

Ex-vascular cambium is  redifferentiated into secondary xylem and phloem And after redifferentiation, secondary xylem and secondary phloem are not capable of cell division and after maturation, these cells are also involved in transportation of food and water.



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