Leaf - Structure , types and modification
- Leaf is an important part in plant. It perform the photosynthesis as well as bear stomata for gaseous exchange.
- The leaf is green and flat structure present on stem.
- Biologically it is orignated from the node of stem and bear buds in its axil. This axillary bud in future is transformed into a new branch.
- Leaf is developed from the activity of shoot apical meristem.
- There are prominently three part of a typical leaf - Leaf base, petiole and leaf lamina.
- The leaf is attached with the stem by the Leaf base also bear small leaf life appendages called stipules .
- In Monocot plants like Maize and sugar cane , the leaf base is grow and make a cover for stem which cover stem completely or partially
- In legume plant like pea gram leaf base get swollen and form a structure called pulvinus.
- The petiole help hold the leaf blade.
- Petiole allow the leaf blade to flutter in wind . By this activity of petiole, leaf get cooling and. Fresh air may enter into leaf surface.
- Leaf blade also called leaf lamina. It is most expanded part of leaf and bear stomata.
- Leaf blade also bear vein and veinlet. The thick and centrally located vein is termed midrib. Vein provide rigidity for the leaf blade.
👌👌Remember - vein act as channel for transport of water mineral and food material.
- A leaf may be simple or compound.
- When incision or cut portion of leaf blade do not touch the mid rib than leaf is simple.
- When incision or cut portion of leaf blade touch the mid rib and leaf blade is divided into large number of leaflets than leaf is compound.
- Compound leaf may be pinnately or palmately.
- When leaflets are present on common rachis which may represent mid rib called pinnately compound leaf. For example - Neem.
- When leaflets are originated from a common point at tip of petiole called palmately compound leaf.
- When leaf perform other function like support, storage of food, protection, etc than the photosynthesis called modification of leaf.
- In Garden pea, leaf is modified into tendril for the climbing with the external support.
- In Cactus and opuntia leafs are modified into spines for the defense against browsing animal.
- In Australian Acacia , leaves are short lived and its petiole become green to synthesized food.
- In insectivorous plants like Napenthes or pitcher plant , Venus fly trap or Dionea the leaves are modified into a pitcher like structure to catch the and digest the insect.
- These plant digest insect to fulfil their nitrogen requirement.
- In onion or Garlic, leaves are modified into swollen structure because it store food.
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