Inflorescence - Means types Example


Inflorescence is arrangement and distribution of flowers on the floral axis.

Flowers are developed from the axillary or terminal buds Flowers are arranged in single in numer or found in groups.When flower is single, called solitary or arranged in groups called inflorescence.

Remember πŸ‘ŒπŸ½πŸ‘ŒπŸ½The Floral axis or stalk bearing inflorescence is called peduncle.


Racemose - In this infloresence, flowers are produced in indefinite number due to continue growth of peduncle. If the peduncle  is elongated than flowers are arranged in acropetal succession. If the peduncle  is flattened  than flowers are arranged in  centripetal succession.

Remember πŸ‘ŒπŸ½πŸ‘ŒπŸ½ - In acropetal order,  young flowers are located towards the growing tips and older flowers are located towards the base.In Cenrtipetal order,  young flowers are located towards the center and older flowers are located towards the periphery.

Raceme and Spike infloresence : In Raceme, flowers are developed over an unbranched elongated peduncle in an acropetal order like Raddish,Turnip, Antirrhinium

In Spike, the flowers are developed on elongated peduncle  like Bottle brush.

Catkin and spikelet : In catkin, flowers are borne on penduolus peduncle. For ex- Mulbery.

In spikelet, flowers are  few and covered by the two scales called glumes. Spikeket is basic infloresence in grass family.

Spadix - This is a modification of spike inflorescence having a fleshy axis, which remains enclosed by one or more large bracts called spathes. For example - Colocasia.

Corymb  and Umbel : it is modification of receme in which the peduncle is relatively short while the pedicle of flower flower is too long therefore both young and old flower are at same level.For example - Cassia

In Umbel like coriander, the peduncle is reduced to a point and all the flowers radiate out from the same point. involucre  is whorl present generally below the point of origin.

Capitulum : In this type of infloresence main axis is flat and flowers are sessile and arranged in a centripetal manner. Flowers are called florets. It is also called the racemose head. This type is seen in the Asteraceae family like sun flower.

Cymose : In cymose,  inflorescence where growth of the main stem stops after the growth of a flower. The flowers are arranged in a basipetal manner.  


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