NEET - Multiple Choice question: Kingdom Monera
1.Which of the following statement is not correct.
A. Members of monera are exclusively bacteria.
B. Their body organisation are cellular.
C. Moneran have a well developed nuclear membrane.
D. They have non cellulosic cell wall.
Answer : C Explanation
2. Cell wall of Moneran are non cellulosic, composed of :
A. Polysaccharide & Amino acid
B. Amino acid & lipid
C. Polysaccharides only
D. Amino acids only.
Answer ; A Explanation
3.Consider the following mode of nutrition in Moneran and select the correct code:
1.Chemosynthetic Autotroph
2. Photosynthesis Autotroph
3. Saprotroph Heterotroph
4. Parasitic Heterotroph
A. 1, 2 and 3
B. 2, 3 and 4
C. 1, 3 and 4
D. 1, 2 3 and 4
Answer : D Explanation
4. Bacteria are divided into Coccus, Vibrio, Spirullum and Bacillus on the basis of :
A. Nutrition B. Shape
C. Cell wall D. Flagella
Answer : B Explanation
5. Which of the following pair in not correctly matched.
A. Coccus : Sherical
B. Bacillus : Rod shape
C. Vibrio : J shape
D. Spirullum : spiral
Answer : C Explanation
6. Consider the following statement and select the correct code:
1. Chemosynthetic autotrophs bacteria synthesised their food from inorganic substrate.
2. The majority of bacteria are heterotroph, derive nutrition from living organism or dead matter.
A. Only 1 B. Only 2
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
Answer : C Explanation
7. Archaebacteria are present in harsh climate and can survive in extreme condition due to having
A. Size & shape
B. Cell wall
C. Complex behaviour
D. Simple body structure
Answer : B Explanation
8. Which of the following pair is not correct with respect to Archaebacteria and their habitat condition .
A. Halophiles : Extreme temprature
B. Methanogen : Ruminent Gut of cow & Buffalo
C. Methanogen : Marshy area
D. Halophiles : Salty Environment
Answer: A Explanation
10. Which group of Archaebacteria are found in extremely hot and acidic climates and can also be found in hot springs.
A. Halophiles
B. Thermoacidophiles
C. Methanogen
D. Halophiles & Methanogen.
Answer: B Explanation
11. Which group of Archaebacteria produces biogas or gobar gas from the cow dung.
A. Halophiles
B. Thermoacidophiles
C. Methanogen
D. Halophiles & Methanogen.
Answer: C Explanation
12. Which of the following statement is Correct.
A. Archaebacteria are true bacteria.
B. Eubacteia are false bacteria.
C. All of the Eubacteia have flagella therefore they are motile.
D. Eubacteia are characteristic of rigid cell wall.
Answer: D Explanation
13. Which of the following statement is not Correct with respect to blue green algae or cyanobacteria.
A. They have chlorophyll a similar to green plants.
B. The cyanobacteria are unicellular, colonial or filamentous, freshwater or marine or terrestrial algae.
C. The colonies are generally surrounded by a gelatinous sheath.
D. All of the cyanobacteria
have flagella therefore they are motile.
Answer : D Explanation
14. Consider the following statement and select the correct code
1. Cyanobacteria often form bloom in polluted water.
2. Chemosynthetic bacteria help in recycling of nutrient like nitrogen phosphorus iron etc.
A. Only 1 B. Only 2
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
Answer : C Explanation
15. Which of the following statement is not correct.
A. Chemosynthetic bacteria use nitrite ammonia for the production of ATP.
B. Cyanobacteria fix atmospheric nitrogen by having special cell called heterocyst.
C. Methanogen produce biogas from the cattle dung.
D. Nostoc and Anabaena are chemosynthetic Autotrophs
Answer : D Explanation
16. Heterotrophic bacteria is not involved in
A. Formation of curd
B. Formation of Antibiotics
C. Fixation of Nitrogen in legume
D. Formation of ATP by using nitrite, nitrate and ammonia.
Answer: D Explanation
17. Which group of bacteria damage the crop and causes various disease to humans being.
A. Chemosynthetic bacteria
B. Photosynthetic bacteria
C. Heterotrophic bacteria
D. Autotrophic bacteria
Answer : C Explanation
18. Bacteria reproduce mainly by the
A. Fission
B. Spore
C. Sporulation
D. Budding
Answer : A Explanation
19. Consider the following mode of reproduction of bacteria , take place during unfavourable condition and select the correct code:
1. Fission 2. Budding
3. Spore formation
4. Exchanges of genetic matter
A. 1 and 4 B. 2 and 4
C. 3 and 4 D. 1 and 2
Answer : C Explanation
20. Which of the following statement is not correct for the Mycoplasma.
A. They are pathogen and disease causing agent of plants and animals
B.They do not have cell wall .
C. They can not survive without oxygen.
D. Mycoplasma are one of the smallest cell.
Answer: C Explanation
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