NEET : Multiple Choice question: Algae

 1.How many statement is /are correct .

1. Body of algae is generally is thalloid but some algae are filament ous.
2. Chlamydomonas is Colonial algae. 
3. Volvox is Microscopic form of algae.
4.  Algae are found in both fresh and marine water. Some marine algae form kelps up to 100 meters.

A. Two         B. Four 
C. Three       D. One 
Answer: A Explanation

2.Match the list: 
A. Colonial          1.Volvox
B. Kelps         2. Ectocarpus
C.Filamentous 3.Spirogyra
D.Microscopic   4. Chlamydomonas 
       A    B   C   D
A.    1    2    3   4
B.    2    3    1   4
C.    3    1    2   4
D.   1     3    2   4
Answer: A Explanation 

3. Which of the following statement is not correct
A. Some of algae are found in moist stone, soils and wood.
B. Some of algae are found in symbiotic association with fungi in form of lichen.
C. Vegetative mode of reproduction is absent. They reproduce only by means of asexually and sexually.
D.  Flagellated Zoospores is most common method of asexual reproduction.
Answer : C Explanation 

4. Algae make association with which of the following animals.
A. Lemur       
B. Thylacine
C. Sloth Bear 
D. Gecko lizard
Answer : C Explanation 

5. Which one of the method of vegetative reproduction in Algae.
A. Fission 
C. Binary fision
D.None of the above.
Answer : B Explanation 

6. Sexual reproduction take place by the fusion of flagellated and motile gamete in :
A. Spirogyra 
B. Ulothrix 
C. Volvox 
D. Chara 
Answer : A Explanation 

7. Sexual reproduction take place by the fusion of non flagellated and non motile gamete in :
A. Spirogyra 
B. Ulothrix 
C. Volvox 
D. Chara 
Answer: B Explanation 

8. Anisogamous  sexual reproduction take place between two gamete of dissimilar size in 
A. Fucus
D. Volvox
Answer: B Explanation 

9. Which one the following statement is correct for the oogamous type of sexual reproduction. 
A . Fusion take place between non motile and motile gamete.
B. Female gamete is non flagellated and large in size  and male gamete is flagellated and small.
C. Oogamous type of reproduction can be seen in Volvox and Fucus.
D. All of the above 
Answer: D Explanation 

10. Which of the following statement is not correct for the  Chlorophyceae.
A. These are green in color due to presence of pigment of chlorophyll a and Chlorophyll b.
B. Chlorophyll pigment are organised in various shape of chloroplast.
C. Most of the member of chlorophyceae have one or more storage bodies called pyrenoids.
D. Some of the members store food in form of Floridean starch.
Answer: D Explanation 

11. Members of Chlorophyceae have rigid cell wall and made up of 
A.Cellulose and lactose
B.Cellulose and algin
C. Cellulose and Pectose
D. Lactose and Pectose
Answer : C Explanation 

12. Consider the following statement and select the correct code:
1. Body of members of green algae are unicellular, colonial or filamentous.
2. Members of chlorophyceae are found in Fresh, Brackish or salt water. 
A. Only 1   B.only 2 
C. Both 1 and 2 
D. Neither 1 nor 2 
Answer: C Explanation 

13. Green algae have storage bodies called pyrenoids which contain
A. Starch and Protein
B. Starch and cellulose
C. Protein and cellulose
D.Starch and cellulose
Answer: A Explanation 

14. In members of chlorophyceae, vegetative reproduction takes place by the 
A. Fragmentation and  spores 
B.fission and spores. 
C. Fragmentation and fission
D. Spores only.
Answer: A Explanation 

15. Which of the following are not member of Chlorophyceae. 
A. Volvox and chara.
B. Ulothrix and Spitogyra
C. Dictyota and Fucus
D.Chlamydomonas and Oedogonium
Answer: C Explanation 

16. Which of the following is correct for the number,  and position of flagella with respect to Chlorophyceae. 
     Number      Position
A.     2          equal & apical
B.    2 to 8   equal & apical
C.     2     unequal & apical 
D.  2 to 8  unequal & apical
Answer : B Explanation 

17. Consider the following statement and select the correct code 
1. Green algae reproduce asexually by  zoospore.
2. Zoospore are flagellated and produced in zoosporangium.
A. Only  1      B. Only 2 
C. Both 1 and 2 
D. Neither 1 nor 2 
Answer : C Explanation 

17. Identify the following algae given in diagram.

C. Volvox
D. Fucus
Answer: A


19. Consider the following statement with  respect to Pheophyceae and select the correct code ;
1. Members show great variation in size and form
2. They are primarily found in brackish and marine water.
3. They are  rarely found  in fresh water.
4. They are commonly called as brown algae.
A. 1, 2   3 and 4
B. 2, 3 and 4
C. 1, 2, and 3
D. 1, 2   and 4 
Answer : A Explanation 

20. Which member of Pheophyceae is filamentous  form and form kelp up to 100 meters.
A. Ectocarpus
B. Dictyota
C. Laminria
D. Sargassum 
Answer : A Explanation

21. Which one of the following pigment is not found in Brown algae.
A. Chlorophyll a and b
B. Chlorophyll a and c
C. Xanthophyll
D. Fucoxanthin.
Answer : A Explanation 

22. In Pheophyceaen,  food is stored in form of 
A. Allolactose
B. Floridean starch
C. Starch 
D. Mannitol and Laminarin
Answer : D Explanation 

23. Cell wall of brown algae is made up of :
A. Cellulose and algin
B. Cellulose and  pectose
C. Algin and Pectose
D. Cellulose, Algin and Pectose
Answer : A Explanation 

24. Which of the following statement is not correct about the Pheophyceaen
A. They are present in well light region and in deep sea where no light penetrates.
B. They are various in color from olive green to various type of  brown in color depend on pigments.
C. The vegetative cell has cellulosic wall and covered by gelatinous algin.
D.  The protoplast has plastids , vacuole and nucleus.
Answer : A Explanation 

25. In Brown algae, vegetative reproduction takes place by 
A. Fission     B. Spores
D. Budding 
Answer : C Explanation 

26. Asexual reproduction in Pheophyceae takes place by the zoospores. Which of the following is not a feature of zoospore.
A. Biflagellate
B. Pear shaped
C. Unequal flagella 
D. Apical located flagella
Answer : D Explanation 

27. Which of the body structure of brown algae is leaf like photosynthetic organ
A. Holdfast 
B. Stipe 
C. Frond
D. All of the above
Answer : C Explanation 

28. Which  one of the following is not member of Pheophyceae. 
A. Ectocarpus and Laminaria
B. Dictyota and Fucus
C. Sargassum  and Fucus
D. Gracilaria and Gelidium
Answer : D Explanation 

29. Consider the following statement and select the correct code:
1. During sexual reproduction,  fusion of gamete takes place in water.
2. In oogamous species, fusion of gamete takes place within oogonium.
3. The gamete bear two  unequal flagella located laterally.
4. The gametes are pyriform or pear shaped. 
A. 1 2 and 3   B. 2 3 and 4
C. 1 2 and 4   D. 123 and 4
Answer : D Explanation 

30. Body of Brown algae is devided into Frond, stipe and holdfast. Identify the "A" in given Diagram.

A. Holdfast    
B. Branch
C. Air bladder 
D. Chlorophyll 
Answer : C

31. How many statement is/are correct.
1. Most of the red algae are found in salt or marine water.
2. Red algae prefer warm area to live.
3. Red algae are not found in fresh or brackish water.
4. Red algae occur in both well lighted region and in great depth where light not penetrate. 
A. One              B. Two
C. Three           D. Four
Answer  : C Explanation 

32. Which of the following statement is not correct.
A. The thallus  of red algae is multicellular but some complex body organisation can exist.
B.  Body of red algae is red due to presence of r - phycoeryhtin.
C. Food is stored in form of Laminarin or mannitol 
D. Flagella are absent in red algae.
Answer: C Explanation 

33. Consider the following algae in which vegetative reproduction takes place by the fragmentation.
A. Red algae
B.Green algae
C. Brown algae
D. All of the above.
Answer : D Explanation 

34. Which of the following pigment is absent in Members of Rodophyceae. 
A. Chlorophyll  b
B. Phycoerythrin
C. Chlorophyll  a
D. Chlorophyll  d
Answer : A Explanation 

35. Consider the following constituents  which are present in cell wall of Rhodophyceae and select the correct  code.
1. Pectin   2. Algin
3. Cellulose 
4. Polysulphate ester
A. 1 3 and 4   B. 2 3 and 4
C. 1 2 and 4   D. 123 and 4
Answer : A Explanation 

36. Which one of the following food reserve of algae is similar to amylopactin and glycogen.
A. Starch
B. Lamonarin
C. Mannitol
D. Floridean starch
Answer : D Explanation 

37. Consider the following statements and select the 
correct code :
1. Red algae reproduce asexually by motile spores.
2. Red algae reproduce sexually by motile gamete.
3. In Red algae, sexual reproduction is oogamous and accompanied by complex post fertilization development. 
A.  only 3    B. 1 and 2
C. 1 and 3   D. 2 and 3
Answer:  A Explanation 

38. Identity the letter ' A' in given diagram of Porphyra, red algae.

A. Stipe   B. Frond
C. Holdfast D. Air bladder
Answer : B

39.What number of marine algal species used as food.
A. 40   B. 50   C.60      D. 70
Answer: D Explanation 

40. Which of the following group of algae used as source of food.
A. Porphyra, Sargassum,  Laminaria
B.Chara, Fucus , Volvox
C.Dictyota, Polysiphonia, Gelidium
D. Ulothrix, Spirogyra, Gracilaria 
Answer: A Explanation 

41. Algin is hydrocolloids having water holding capacity obtained from member of
A. Red algae 
B. Brown algae
C. Green algae
D. All of the above
Answer: B Explanation 

42. Carrageen is hydrocolloids having water holding capacity obtained from member of
A. Red algae 
B. Brown algae
C. Green algae
D. All of the above
Answer:  A Explanation 

43. Which of the following statement is not  correct about the agar.
A. It is used to grow microbes.
B. It is used to prepare the ice cream and  jelly. 
C. Agar is not used commercially due to some restriction.
D.  It is obtained from Gelidium and Gracilaria.
Answer: C Explanation 

44. A unicellular algae rich in protein is used as source of food by space traveller.
A. Clamydomonsas
B. Volvox 
C. Chara
D. Chlorella 
Answer: D Explanation 

45. Which of the following statement is correct.
A. Algae are primary producers of energy in all aquatic animals.
B. Algae increase level of dissolved oxygen in environment. 
C. At least half of the carbon dioxide is fixed by the algae on earth.
D. All of the above.
Answer : D Explanation 


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