NEET : Multiple Choice question: Bryophytes

  1. Bryophytes are called amphibian of land plant because 

A. They are found in moist shady area in hills
B. Their life Cycle is completed into two stages.
C. They require water for fertilization and sexual reproduction.
D. They have alternation of generation in life cycle.
Answer : C Explanation 

2. Which of the following statement is correct about the Bryophytes.
A. Body of Bryophytes is thallus like and less differentiated than algae.
B.They have well developed root, stem and leaves.
C.They include liver worts and Hornworts only.
D.Thallus is attached to the substrate by unicellular and multicellular Rhizoids.
Answer: D Explanation 

3. How many statements are correct.
1. Bryophytes are grown in most shaded area in hilly area and in damp and humid area.
2. Thallus of Bryophytes is prostrate or erect.
3. The main plant body is gametophyte which is diploid and non Photosynthetic.
4. They have root like, stem like, and leaf like structure.
5. Sex organs of Bryophytes are multicellular.
A. Two     B.Three
C. Four     D. Five
Answer : C Explanation 

4. Which one of the following statement is not correct.
A. Anthredia is male sex organ and produce biflagellate antherozoids.
B. The sex organs in Bryophytes is unicellular and jacketed .
C. Archrgonia is female sex organ which is flask shape and produce single egg.
D. Anthredia release antherozoids in water and make contact with egg of archegonoum to form zygote.
Answer : B Explanation 

5. Which of the following pair is incorrect with respect to Bryophytes.
A. Antherozoids: Non - flagellate
B. Gametophyte: haploid
C. Sex organ : Multicellular
D. Rhizoids: Unicellular or Multicellular
Answer : A Explanation 

6. Which one of the following statement is not correct about the Bryophytes.
A. Zygote immediately divides by reduction divison and form unicellular sporophyte.
B. Sporophyte is not a free living and remain attach with gametophyte for nutrition.
C. Cells of sporophyte undergo reduction divison and form haploid spores.
D. Spores of sporophyte are germinated and form gametophyte.
Answer : A Explanation 

7. Consider the following event  of life cycle of Bryophytes and arrange them in sequential order.
1. Formation of multicellular sex organ in gametophyte.
2. Transfer of antherozoids into flask shape archegonium.
3. Development of haploid and Photosynthetic gametophyte.
4. Formation of haploid spore in capsule of sporophyte by meiosis.
5. Formation of Multicellular sporophyte from zygote.
A.1 - 2 - 4 - 5- 3
B.2-  1 - 3 - 4 - 5
C.1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 
D.5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
Answer : A Explanation 

8. Liverworts are found in the :
A. Bank of stream
B. Bark of tree 
C. Deep in Wood
D. All of the above.
Answer: D Explanation 

9. Which one of the following  pair is a liver worts.
A. Funeria and Sphagnum
B. Riccia and Sphagnum
C. Marchantia and Sphagnum
D. Riccia and Marchantia
Answer : D Explanation 

10. Which one of the following statement is not correct for the Liverworts.
A. The plant body of Marchantia is thalloid.
B. Leafy members of liverworts have leaf like appandages in multiple row on stem.
C.  Thallus is dorsiventral and attached to Substrate.
D. Asexual reproduction takes place fragmentation of thallus or Gemmae.
Answer: B Explanation 

11. Gemmae are special structure born on thallus of liverworts. Which of the following words are related to gemmae.
1. Green
2. Unicellular
3. Multicellular 
4. Sexual buds
5. Asexual buds
A. 1 , 2 and 4
B. 1  , 3 and 5
C. 1   2 and 5
D. 1 , 2 and 3 
Answer: B Explanation 

12. Which of the following statement is not correct.
A . Thallus of Liverworts is monocious because male and female thallus born on same thallus.
B. Sporophyte of liverworts is differentiated into Foot, Seta and Capsule.
C. Spore that develop into gametophyte, formed in capsule by meiosis.
D. Male and female sex organs are formed either on same thallus or different thalli.
Answer: A Explanation

13. Consider the following statement  about the gametophyte of Mosses and select the correct code :
1. Gametophyte of mosses is differentiated into Protonema and leafy stages.
2. Leafy stage is directly  developed from spore of sporophyte.
3. Protonema stage is developed from secondary protonema.
4. Leafy stage of moss gametophyte is attached with soil through Multicellular and branched Rhizoids.
A. 1 and 2     B. 3 and 4
C. 2  and 3    D. 1 and 4 
Answer : D Explanation 

14. Protonema stage of Moss gametophyte directly develop from spore. Protoonema stage are :
A. Creeping, green, branched and thalloid.
B. Creeping, non green, branched and thalloid .
C. Creeping,  green,  branched and filamentous
D. Creeping, non green, branched and filamentous.
Answer:  C Explanation

15. Which of the following statements is not correct about the leafy stages of Moss gametophyte. 
A. It develops from secondary protonema as lateral bud.
B. It consists of spirally arranged leaf .
C. It is attached to soil through unicellular and branched rhizoids.
D.  This stage bears sex organs.
Answer:  C Explanation 

16. In Moss, Vegetative reproduction take place by secondary protonema through:
A. Fragmentation 
B.  Budding
C. Fission 
D. Fragmentation and Budding 
Answer: D Explanation 

17. Which of the following statement is not correct about the differences between Liverworts and Mosses. 
A.  Thallus of liverworts is attached to soil by unicellular Rhizoids and 
In Mosses by Multicellular Rhizoids.
B. Sporophyte  and spore dispersal mechanism  of Mosses is more advanced than liverworts.
C. Sporophyte of liverworts and Mosses is differentiated into Foot  Seta and Capsule.
D. In capsule of sporophyte, liverworts and Mosses produce spore by Mitosis and meiosis respecvely. 
Answer: D Explanation 

18. Which one of the following is not a Moss.
A. Marchantia 
B. Polytrichum 
C. Sphagnum
Answer : A Explanation 

19. Consider the following statements and select the correct code:
1. Bryophytes play an important role in plant succession on bare rock or soil.
2. Some Mosses are used food for herbaceous mammals and other animals.
3. Some Mosses form dense mats on soil and reduce the impact of rain and prevent soil erosion. 
A. 1 and 2       B.2 and 3 
C. 1 and 3       D.  1, 2 and 3
Answer: D Explanation 

20. Consider the following statement and select the correct code:
1. Moss along with lichen are first community to establish on bare rock.
2. They decompose rock and form suitable condition for the growth of plants.
A. Only 1   B . Only 2
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
Answer:  C Explanation 

21. Which one of the moss is used as fuel and packing materials for transshipment of living material due to water holding capacity.
A. Funeria
B. Polytrichum
C. Sphagnum 
D. Anthoceros.
Answer: C Explanation 


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