NEET : Multiple Choice question: Gymnosperm


1. In which group of plants, the ovule are not enclosed by an ovary wall and remain exposed before and after the fertilization.

A. Bryophytes
B. Pteridophytes 
C. Gymnosperms 
D. Angiosperms 
Answer : C Explanation 

2. Which of the following statement is  Incorrect.
A. Only Compound leaves are found in Gymnosperm.
B. Tap root are present in Gymnosperms.
C. The leaves of Gymnosperms are well adapted to withstand against temprature, humidity, and wind.
D. Gymnosperms include medium size tree or tall tree and shrub.
Answer: A Explanation 

3. How many statement are correct.
1. In Gymnosperms, the seed that form after the fertilization, are naked.
2. The leaves may be simple or compound.
3. In conifers, leaves are pointed or needle like to reduce the surface area.
4. The thick cuticle and sunken stomata help to reduce the water loss.
5. Gymnosperms generally have fibrous root system.
A. Two    B. Three 
C. Four     D. Five 
Answer : C Explanation 

4. Which one of the following is giant, redwood tallest Gymnosperms.
A. Sequoia 
B. Ginkgo
C. Cedrus
D. None of the above.
Answe : A Explanation 

5. Consider the following statement and select the correct code. 
1. Root of Pinus has fungal association in form of Mycorrhiza.
2. Root of Cycas is Coralloid root because it has symbiotic association with  notrogen fixing Cyanobacteria.
A. Only  1    B. Only 2
C.Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor  2
Answer : C Explanation 

6. Which one of the following statement is not correct about the Cycas, a Gymnosperms.
A. Male cone and female cone are borne on different tree.
B. Stem is unbranched.
C. The pinnately leaves persist for a fer years.
D. Roots are Coralloid because  Roots have association with nitrogen fixing Cyanobacteria. 
Answer : B Explanation 

7. Which of the following statement is  Incorrect with respect to Gymnosperm.
A. They are heterosporous and produce microspore and megaspore with in sporangia.
B. Sporangia are borne on sporophyll which are arranged in form of cone or strobli.
C. Microsporangiate is male cone which bear micosporophyll and microsporangia.
D. Macrosporaniate is female cone which bear megasporophyll and megasporangia without the ovule.
Answer : D Explanation

8.  Consider the following term and arrange them in order.
1. Sporophyll 
2. Cone 
3. Sporangia 
4. Spore 
A.  2 - 1  - 3 - 4
B.  1-  3  - 2 - 4
C.  2 - 1 -  4  - 3
D.  2 - 1 -  3 - 4 
Answer: A Explanation 

9. Which of thefollowing statement is correct about the pollen grain or microspore of Gymnosperm.
A. Pollen  grains are highly reduced male gametophyte with limited number of cells.
B.  Microspore are formed with in microsporangia on male cone.
C.  Microspore are developed into male gametophyte.
D. All of the above 
Answer : D Explanation

10.  The stem is branched in
A. Pinus and Cedrus
B. Cycas and Cedrus
C. Cycas and Pinus
D. Cycas, Pinus, Cedrus.
Answer : A Explanation

11. Consider the following statement with respect to the ovule of Gymnosperm and select the correct code:
1.  Ovule or  megasporangi are  born on mega sporophyll.
2. Ovule is composed of cells of nucellus which is protected by envelop.
3. Ovule may be clustered in form of female cone.
4. One of the cell of nucellus is differentiated and act as megaspore mother cell.
A. 1 and  4.
B. 2, 3 and 4
C. 1, 3 and 4
D. 1, 2, 3 and 4
Answer : D Explanation 

12. In Gymnosperm, Mega spore mother cell which is diffrentiated from nucellus  divide by meiosis and form 
A. One megaspore
B. Two megaspore
C.Three megaspore
D. Four megaspore.
Answer : D Explanation 

13. Out of four megaspore, one megaspore is developed into multicellular gametophyte which bear
A. One archegonium 
B. Two archegonia 
C. Three archegonia
D. Two or MORE archegonia.
Answer: D Explanation 

14. How many statement is / are not correct.
1. Main plant body of Gymnosperm is sporophyte and homosporous.
2. Pollen grain are reduced male  gametophyte with limited cell.
3. Female gametophyte is multicellular and retained  within megasporangium
4. Male and  female gametophyte are not independent and free living.
A. One      B. Two 
C. Three   D. Four
Answer: A Explanation 

15. Pollen grain are released from microsporangia and reach at mouth of ovule by 
A. Water
B . Insect
C. Wind
D. Insect
Answer : C Explanation 

16. Pollen grains are germinated in form of pollen tube at 
A . Archegonia
B. Megasporophyll
C. Ovule
D. Female cone 
Answer: C Explanation 

17. Which of the following event does not occur in archegonia of Gynosperm.
A. Pollen tube discharge male gamete  near mouth of archegonia. 
B. Fertilisation takes place in archegonia and zygote is formed.
C. Zygote is developed in to embryo inside the archegonia.
D. Ovule is developed into naked seed.
Answer : D Explanation

18.Consider the following statement and select the correct code:
1. The male and female cone are borne on same tree in cycas.
2. The male and female cone are borne on different  tree in Pinus.
A. Only 1              
B.Only 2 
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
Answer : D Explanation 

19. Identify the following diagram and select the option:

D. Ginkgo
Answer: D


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