NEET: Multiple Choice question: Pteridophytes


1. Pteridophytes  are used as: 

A. Ornamental plants
B. Soil binders
C. Medicinal plant
D. All of the above
Answer : C Explanation 

2. Consider the following statement and select the correct code:
1. Most of the Pteridophyt es are found in cool, damp and Shady places.
2.  Some of the pteridophytes are found in sandy soil condition.
A. Only 1     B. Only 2
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2 
Answer: D Explanation 

3. How many statements is/ are correct.
1. Evolutionary, Pteridophytes are first land plants having vascular tissue like xylem and phloem. 
2. Main plant body of Pteridophytes is Sporophyte.
3. Sporophyte is Diffrentiated into Root, Stem and leaves.
4. Vascular tissue are present in root and stem but not present in leaves
A. One        B. Two
C. Three     D. Four
Answer : C Explanation

 4. Which of the following statement is not statement. 
A. Microphylls are small leaves  in Pteridophytes born on sporophyte.
B. Macrophylls are large leaves of Pteridophytes born on sporophyte.
C. Sporangia which produce spores born on sporophylls.
D. The sporangia produce spore by mitosis in spore mother cell.
Answer : D Explanation 

5. In which genera of Pteridophytes, sporophylls form compact mass called Strobli or cones.
A.Selaginella & Equisetum
C. Adiantum and Dryopteris
D. Adiantum and Lycopodium
Answer : A Explanation 

6. Match the List
A.Microphyll 1.Seleginella
B.Macrophyll 2. Fern
C. Strobli         3. Equistem
    A     B     C
A. 1     2     3
B. 3     2     1
C. 3     1     2
D. 1     3     2
Answer : A Explanation 

6. In pteridophyte, Spores formed in sporangia give rise to a inconspicuous and small gametophyte called 
A. Protonema
B. Gemmae 
C. Prothallus
D. Leafy stage 
Answer:  C Explanation 

7. Which of the following statement is not correct about the gametophyte of Pteridophytes ( Prothallus)
A. Living Pteridophytes are restricted to narrow geographical region because they require water for fertilization.
B. Prothallus or gametophyte are developed from the spores produced in sporangia on sporophyll.
C.  Gametophyte bear male and female sex organ in form of Anthredia and Archegonis respectively.
D. Wind is required for transfer of Antherozoids to mouth of archegonium and fuse with egg to form zygote.
Answer : D Explanation 

8. Consider the following statement and select the correct code:
1. Most of the pteridophytes are homosporous because they produce similar kind of spores in sporangia. 
2. Homosporous pteridophytes give rise to Prothallus or gametophyte which have both male and female sex organ.
3. Anthredia transfer antherozoids through the water and form zygote by fusion with egg of Archegonium.
4. Zygote give rise to well diffrentiated  multicellular sporophyte.
A. 1 ,2 and 3    B. 2, 3 and 4
C. 1, 3 and 4   D.1,2,3 and 4

9. Consider the following feature of Prothallus of Pteridophytes and select the correct code:
1. Multicellular
2. Unicellular
3. Free living 
4. Mostly Photosynthetic
5. Thallus 
6. Filamentous
A. 1, 3, 4  and 5
B. 2, 3, 4 and  5
C. 2, 3 , 4 and 6
D. 1, 3 , 4 and 6
Answer : D Explanation 

10. Heterospory or heterosporous condition are found in 
A. Selaginella 
B. Salvinia
C. Both selaginella and Salvinia
D. Selaginella, Salvinia and Lycopodium
Answer : C Explanation 

11. Consider the following statement and select the correct code:
1. In homosporous Pteridophytes,  male and female reproductive organs are found in same prothallus. 

2. In heterosporous Pteridophytes, male Prothallus and female prothallus are different.
A. Only 1      B. Only 2
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2 
Answer: C Explanation 

12. Consider the following statement about the heterospory condition of pteridophyte and select the correct code:
1. Plant produce two different types of spores on sporophyll.
2.  These spores are micro and megaspore which give rise to male and female gametophyte ( prothallus) respectively. 
3. In heterosporous condition, the female gametophyte are remain present on parent sporophyte for some periods.
A. 1 and 2      B. 2 and 3 
C.  1 and  3    D. 1 2 and 3
Answer: D Explanation 

13. Which of the following statement is not correct about the Pteriodophytes.
A.Most of  gametophyte is photosynthetic.
B. Most of the sporophyte is photosynthetic.
C. Heterosporous Pteridophyte give rise to Diocious Gametophyte. 
D. Both gametophyte and sporophyte are multicellular.
Answer: B Explanation 

13. Which one the following event in Pteridophytes is precursor of seed habit and is important step of Evolution.
A. The Pteridophytes are found in limited and narrow range of geographical  because they need water for fertilisation.
B. In selaginella and Salvinia, Micro and mega spores give rise to Male and female gametophyte.
C. Both gametophyte and sporophyte are photosynthetic and no any stage is depend on one another for nutrition.
D. The female gametophyte is remain present on parent sporophyte and development of embryo from zygote takes place female gametophyte. 
Answer : D Explanation 

14. Match the list with Class of Pteridophyte and their Example.
A. Psilotum   1. Psilposida
B. Selaginella 2.Lycopsida
C. Pteropsida 3. Adiantum
D.Sphenopsida4. Equistem
     A   B   C   D 
A.  1    2   3   4
B.  4    3   1   2
C.  1    3    2   4
D.  4    1    3    4
Answer : A Explanation   

15. Dryopteris and Pteris both belong to which Class of pteridophytes.
B. Lycopsida
C. Sphenopsida 
D. Pteropsida 
Answer: D Explanation 

16. Identify the given diagram

A. Selaginella 
B. Lycopodium
C. Salvinia
Answer : C

17. Pteridophytes includes 
A. Moss and Fern
B.Liverworts and Horsetail
C. Hornworts and Horsetail
D. Hoerse tail and Fern
Answer: D


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