NEET : Multiple Choice Questions : Coelenterata


1. The Coelenterates are mostly marine, aquatic and 

A. Sessile  with asymmetrical 
B. Sessile with radial symmetrical 
C. Sessile with Bilateral Symmetrical 
D. Sessile only  
Answer:  B Explanation

2. The body cavity of Coelenterates  is 
A. Para gastric cavity
B. Spongocoel
C. Gastrovascular cavity
D. Haemocoel 
Answer : C  Explanation

3. The term cnidaria is used for the  Coelenterates due to having  

A. Hypostome 
B. Tentacles
C.  Nematocyst 
D. Cnidoblast
Answer:  D Explanation

4. The cnidoblast or cnidocil has a stinging capsule called nematocyst present on 
A. Tentacles and body
B. Body
C. Gastrovascular cavity
D. Tentacles
Answer : A  Explanation

5. The term cnidaria is used for the  Coelenterates due to having  

A. Hypostome 
B. Tentacles
C.  Nematocyst 
D. Cnidoblast
Answer:  D Explanation

6. Which of the following is/ are function  of cnidoblast or cnidocil in cnidaria. 
A. Anchorage 
B. Capturing the prey 
C. Defense organ
D. All of the above 
Answer : D  Explanation

7. In  Cnidarian,   gastro vascular cavity is present with 

A. Single opening as mouth  Hypostome 
B. Two opening as mouth and anus on  Tentacles
C. Single opening as mouth on nematocyst 
D. Two opening as mouth and anus on   Cnidoblast
Answer:  A Explanation

8. Meandrina is a Brain Coral and it's skeleton is made up of   
A. Calcium Carbonate 
B. Calcium Chloride
C. Calcium Nitrate 
D. Calcium oxalate 
Answer : A   Explanation

9. Which of the following statement is not correct with respect to the cnidaria n.
A. Digestion is intracellular and extracellular .
B. They include coral which release skeleton of calcium carbonate. 
C. Body cavity is paragastric cavity.
D. Obelia has metagenesis in which polyp make alternation with medusa.
Answer : C  Explanation

10.  Consider the following statement and select the correct code:

1. Polyp produce Medusa by asexually   whereas Medusa produce polyp by sexual reproduction.
2. Polyp is sessile whereas Medusa is  like umbrella and free swimming . 
A. Only 1                     
B. Only 2
C. Both 1 and  2
Neither 1 nor 2 
Answer:  C Explanation

11 . In which of the following Coelenterates, polyp and Medusa make alternation of generation as Metagenesis. 

A. Physalia 
B. Obelia
C. Aurelia 
D. Adamsia
Answer :  B Explanation

12. Which of the following statement is correct.
A. Digestion in Hydra is extracellular or intracellular.
B. Coral has endoskeleton  of Spicules and spongin fibre.
C.  Digestive system of Hydra has two opening. 
D. Polyp is sessile like Hydra and Adamsia whereas Medusa is  like umbrella and  Aurellia. 
Answer : D  Explanation

13. Match the list 
A. Pennatula  1. Sea Pen
B. Gorgonia    2. Sea Fen 
C. Adamsia  3. Sea Anemone
D. Physalia  4. Portuguese                                 man of war                  

             A       B       C      D
A.         1        2        3      4
B.         1        2        4      3
C.         2        1        3      4
D.         3        1       4       2
Answer : A   Explanation

14. The Brain Coral  is 
A. Fungia
B. Meandrina
C. Gorgonia
D. Aurelia 
Answer : B  Explanation
