Porifera : General Characters and Examples


Porifera : Defination 

  • These are invertebrate primitive multi cellular animal with cellular grade of organisation. 

General characters

  • Members of this phylum are commonly known as sponges. They are generally marine and mostly asymmetrical animals.

  • These are primitive multicellular animals and have cellular level of organisation. 

  • Sponges have a water transport or canal system. 

  • In canal system Water enters through minute pores called ostia in the body cavity named spongocoel, from where it goes out through the osculum. 

  • This pathway of water transport is helpful in food gathering, respiratory exchange and removal of waste. 
  • Choanocytes or collar cells line the spongocoel and the canals. Digestion is intracellular. 
  • The body is supported by a skeleton made up of spicules or spongin fibres. 

  • Sexes are not separate i.e. eggs and sperms are produced by the same individual. 

  • Sponges reproduce asexually by fragmentation   and sexually by formation of gametes. 

  • Fertilisation is internal and development  is indirect having a larval stage which is morphologically distinct from the adult.

  • Archeocytes are totipotent cells in sponges and also called amobeocytes.
  • Thesocytes are cells in sponge which store food.
  • Parenchymula is larval stage of sponges.

Examples of Porifera
1. Sycon
  • Sycon is marine and also known as Scypha.
  • It is found to attach with rock, coral and molluscan shell.
  • Sycon has exoskeleton made up of spicules therefore it belong to class calcarea.
  • Sycon has ascon type of canal system. The path of water current is - Ostia - incurrent canal - Prosopyles - radial canal - apopyles - Spongocoel - osculum.
  •  The length of Sycon varies   from 2.5 to 7.6 cm and       they have the capability to   regenerate their lost body   parts. 
2. Euspongia 
  • It is commonly called as Bath sponge because used in clearing tool.
  • It has exoskeleton made up of sponging fibre therefore it belong to class Demospongia. Spicules are absent in Euspongia.
  • It is found in Mediterranean sea as well as American. Sea coast.

  • Euspongia can reproduce sexually by internal Fertilization with indirect development.
  • It also reproduce asexually by fragmentation , budding and regeneration.
  • It is globular   in shape with numerous oscula mounted on well marked projections-the canals.
3. Spongilla 
  • It is commonly called as fresh water sponge and atteched with submerged plant, stick etc.
  • The body colour of spongilla depends on Zoo chlorella which is present as symbiotic partner with spongilla.
  • The body of spongilla is supported by both Spicules and sponging fibers.
  • It has a complex leucon type of canal system.The path of water current is - Ostia - incurrent canal - flagellated chamber- Excurrent canal - Spongocoel - osculum.
  • Spongilla can reproduce sexually by internal Fertilization with indirect development.
  • It also reproduce asexually by budding and gemmule formation.
