Chordata & Vertebrata
- Chordates are higher animals that have characteristics features like - Dorsal tubular nerve cord, dorsal Notochord and pharyngeal gill slit.
- In addition to this , they have closed circulatory system and a specific post anal tail.
- Chordates are Triploblastic, Coelomate, bilateral symmetrical with organ system level of organisation.
General Comparison between Non chordates and Chordates
- In Non chordates, Notochord and pharyngeal gill slit are absent whereas these are present in Chordates.
- In some Non chordates, nerve cord is ventrally located but all chordates have nerve cord located dorsally.
- In Non chordates, central nervous system is ventral solid and double whereas In chordates, Central nervous system is dorsal hollow and single.
- Post anal tail is absent in Non chordates but present in Chordates.
- Heart is dorsal in Non chordates whereas Heart is in ventral side in Chordates.
Division of Chordates
- Chordates are divided into Protochordata and Vertebrata
- Protochordates include Urochordates and cephalochordates.
- Vertebrata is divided into Agnatha and Gnathostomata.
- Term Agnatha refer to absence of jaws and it include the member of Cyclostomata.
- Gnathostomata is further divided into Pisces 🐟 and Tetrapods.
- Tetrapods include Amphibian, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals.
- Term Vertebrates is used for such chordates in which Notochord is replaced by the vertebral column that can be cartilaginous or Bony.
- But, all chordates do not have vertebral column that is notochord is not replaced into vertebral column.
- Therefore, all vertebrates are chordates but all chordates are not vertebrates.
- For example: In urochordates and cephalochordates, notochord is not replaced by vertebral column hence they are chordates but not vertebrates.
- Beside chordates characters, vertebrates has kidney for excretion and osmoregulation. Three and four chambered of muscular heart and fin or limb 🦵 for locomotion.
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