NEET : Multiple Choice questions: Phylum Hemichordata

1. Which of the following phylum were earlier considered as chordates but now is a non chordates under separate phylum.
A. Echinodermata
B. Hemichordata
C. Mollusca
D. Urochordata
Answer: B Explanation 

2. Which of the following structure is present in Hemichordates as rudimentary.
A. Spinal cord
B. Nerve cord
C. Notochord
D. Stomochord 
Answer: D Explanation

3. Stomochord is present in Hemichordates in 
A. Proboscis region
B. Collar region
C.Trunk region
D. Glomerulus 
Answer: B Explanation

4.Which one of the following statement is not correct with respect to Hemichordates.
A. They are worm like and present in both fresh and marine water.
B. They are Triploblastic and have bilateral symmetry.
C. They are true Coelomate with organ system of body organisation.
D. They have stomochord which seem like notochord.
Answer: A Explanation

5.Body of Hemichordates is divided into 
A. Proboscis collar and trunk
B. Head and trunk
C. Thorax and abdomen 
D. Head, food and visceral hump
Answer: A Explanation

6. Hemichordates respires by
A. Trachea     B. Gills
C. Spiracle     D.lungs
Answer: B Explanation

7. Proboscis glands in Hemichordates is involved   in 
A. Respiration 
B. Excretion 
D. Locomotion 
Answer: B Explanation

8. Consider the following features of Hemichordata and select the correct code
1. Open circulatory system 
2. External fertilisation
3. Separated sex
4. Indirect development 
A. 1 2 and 3
B. 2 3 and 4
C. 1 3 and 4
D. 1 2 3 and 4
Answer: D Explanation

9. Which of the following animals belong  to Hemichordata.
A. Ctenoplana & Pleurobranchia
B. Balanoglossus & Pleurobranchia 
C. Saccoglossus & Pleurobranchia
D. Balanoglossus and Saccoglossus
Answer: D Explanation

10. Identify the number 1 and 2 in given Diagram 
A. Proboscis and Collar
B. Collar and trunk 
C. Proboscis and trunk
D. Collar and trunk
Answer: A
