Phylum Echinodermata : General Characters, Examples
- Echinoderms are marine animals with spiny bodies bodies having calcareous ossicle.
- This is phylum which have close relationship with chordates .
General characters
- They are endoskeleton of calcareous ossicle and look spiny therefore they called as Echinoderms.
- They are exclusively marine.
- They are Coelomate, Triploblastic with organ system level of organisation .
- The adults Echinoderms are radial symmetrical but larva possess bilateral symmetry.
- Digestive system is complete. Mouth is located on ventral side and anus is present on dorsal side.
- Water vascular system or Ambulacral system is most distinctive feature of Echinoderms.
- Water vascular system is involved in Respiration, transportation of food and capturing of prey.
- Excretory system is absent in Echinoderms.
- Saxes are separated. They reproduce only sexually. Fertilisation is usually external.
- Development is indirect with free swimming larva.
Examples of Echinodermata
1. Ophiura
- It is also known as Brittle star.
- Body is divided into oral and aboral surface.
- Central disk and arms are quite distinct.
- It has considerable change in spine armature and color pattern.
- Aboral surface has radial shield in Central disk.
- Mouth in oral surface has complicated system of plates spine tube feet.
- At the base of each arm, bursal slits are present.
- Central disk has endoskeleton of calcium carbonate and present also in internal organs.
- It is also known as sea cucumber.
- Oral end contains whorl of 10 dendrite and pinnately branches tentacles around the mouth. Tentacles are modified tube feet.
- Anterior end contains collar which contain mouth.
- Rest of body is divided into five Ambulacral groove and five inter Ambulacral groove.
- Aboral surface has radial shield in Central disk.
- Mouth in oral surface has complicated system of plates spine tube feet.
- Tube feet when present contain suckers.
- .Body wall contain very small seprate ossicle.
- Larval is Auricularia or Doliolaria.
- It is also known as sea urchin.
- Body is differentiated into flat oral and dome shaped aboral surface.
- Anterior end contains collar which contain mouth.
- Body is enclosed by globular test which contain calcareous plates.
- Entire surface of body is covered by the movable articulated spines except peristome and periproct.
- Mouth in oral surface has complicated system of plates spine tube feet.
- Pedicellariae and sphaeridia are defensive and offensive organ.
5. Antedon
- It is also known as sea lily or feather star.
- On aboral surface, calyx bear knob like structure called centro dorsal plates.
- Calyx is differentiated into oral surface that bear mouth and anus and aboral surface in which arms and cirri are inserted.
- Aboral surface is covered by leathery skin in which calcareous plates are inserted.
- On aboral surface , calyx bear a knob like structure called as stung of stalk.
- Mouth is central and directly upward to lead into five Ambulacral groove.
- Water vascular system is well developed but madreporite are absent.
- There are ten arms which contain numerous pinnules containing gonads.
5. Asterias
- It is also known as star fish.
- Body is radial symmetrical, star shaped and pentagonal.
- Body or central disk can be identified that Mouth is located on ventral side and anus is present on dorsal side.
- Central disk in continued up to five arms.
- Aboral surface contain conical spines over the surface and over the sub pentagonal madreporite plate.
- Pedicellariae are present on aboral surface.
- Water vascular system is well developed but madreporite are present.
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