Phylum Mollusca : General Characters and Example
- Molluscs are soft body animals with unsegmented bodies bodies with calcareous shell.
- This is the second largest phylum of Animals after the arthropods.
General characters
- They are terrestrial and also found in fresh and marine water.
- They have an organ-system level of organisation.
- They are bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic and coelomate animals.
- Body is covered by a calcareous shell. with unsegmented body.
- Body is divided into with a distinct head, muscular foot and visceral hump.
- A soft and spongy layer of skin forms a mantle over the visceral hump.
- The space between the hump and the mantle is called the mantle cavity in which feather like gills are present.
- Gills are respiratory and excretory functions.
- The anterior head region has sensory tentacles.
- The mouth contains a file-like rasping organ for feeding, called radula.
- Saxes are separated and development is indirect.
- Mostly they are oviparous, they lay eggs.
Examples of Mollusca
1. Octopus
- It is commonly called as Devil fish.
- Body of octopus is divided into head and Visceral hump.
- Octopus is Di branchiate having two gill , two auricle and two kidney
- Nervous system is well developed.
- Head contain eyes, siphon and eight long arms and two arms posses suckers for the attachment.
- One of the arms is male is modified into Hectocotylized arm.
- Animal can crawl by its arms and swim backwards.
- Visceral mass and mantle cavity are enclosed by mantle.
- Shell and nidamental glands are absent.
2. Sepia
- It is commonly called as culttle fish.
- Body of sepia is divided into head collar and trunk or Visceral hump.
- Sepia is Di branchiate having two gill , two auricle and two kidney with luminescent property.
- Nervous system is well developed.
- Head contain ten oral arms. eight are long arms with several pedicellate suckers around the Mouth. And two arms posses pedicellate suckers at the called Hectocotylized arms.
- Head bear a pair of eye without olfactory crest.
- Calcareous shell is well developed and maintain buoyancy.
- Ink gland secrete ink during irritation and get protection from predator.
3. Loligo
- It is commonly called as culttle fish.
- Body of sepia is divided into head collar and trunk or Visceral hump.
- Head bear a pair of eye without olfactory crest.
- Head contain ten oral arms.out of ten, eight oral arms has four row of pedicellate suckers.
- Remaining two arms has six pairs of pedicellate suckers, used in capturing of prey. These are Hectocotylised arms.
- In male oral arms are modified into copulatory organ .
- Loligo has two ctenidia , two auricle and two kidney.
- Calcareous shell is well developed and maintain buoyancy.
- Ventral siphon is modification of foot.
4. Pinctada
- It is commonly called as Pearl Oyster .
- Shell valves are unequal. Hinge line is straight and bear ear and wing like process.
- Right shell is small and thin covers the visceral organ.
- A single adductor muscle is present.
- Right and left mantle lobe are free.
- Shell of animal secrete pearl when any insect create irritation.
5. Pila
- It is commonly called as Apple snail .
- Body is covered by thick univalved shell and comprises body whorl , penultimate whorl and apex.
- Surface of shell is marked by line of growth.
- Shell is spirally coiled round the axis called as columella.
- Soft parts are differentiated into head, muscular foot and visceral mass.
- Head is located at the upper side with one pair of eyes.
- Visceral mass contain internal organs and covered by mantle or pallium.
- It has great medicinal and experimental value.
6. Aplysia - It is commonly called as Sea hare.
- Anterior end has head and neck.
- Animal is slug like and anterior head are extended into two tentacular folds.
- Head bear a pair of eye at anterior tentacular folds. Behind the eyes, rhinophores are present as tentacular folds.
- Mantle cavity is opened at right side and backward pointing into ctenidium.
- Anus is posterior located.
- There are a pair large fleshy outgrowth called parapodia help in swimming.
- Shell is internal and rudimentary.
6. Dentalium - Animal is commonly called as Tusk shell.
- Body is covered by arched shell secreted by mantle.
- Body of animal has vestigial head which represents by proboscis without eyes.
- Mouth is surrounded by leaf tentacles called captacules which are sensory , prehensile and regenerative.
- Ctenidia are absent.
- Liver , muscle and kidney are seen after removing the shell.
- Radula is well developed. Anus is located behind the foot.
- Respiration takes place by lining of mantle because gills are absent.
7. Chiton - Animal is commonly called as sea mouse.
- Body is divided into district head large foot and mantle which form leaf like roof of body.
- Side of mantle form mantle girdle which contain small calcified Spicules .
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