General Characters of Cephalochordata : Amphioxus
- Cephalochordates are put under sub phylum of Chordata fish like,filter feeder and marine animals included Amphioxus or lancelet.
General Characters
- They are mostly marine, fish like, segmented with elongated body.
- Alimentary canal is long with pharynx and gills slits with ciliary mode of feeding.
- Dorsal, caudal and ventral fins are present.
- Notochord is present from head to tail and remain present through out the life.
- Protonephredia and Solenoacytes are excretory organ.
- Two pair of cerebral nerve and several pairs of spinal nerve are present.
- Respiration takes place through gills slits are also present.
- Coelom is enterocoelic.
- Saxes are separe. Gonads are present without gonoduct.Fertilisation is external.
- Body is eel like and well adapted for burrowing .
- They have an endostyle in their pharynx for filter feeding.
- Reproduction is mostly sexual. Asexual reproduction is absent.
- Circulatory system is closed.Brain is absent.
Example of Cephalochordata
- It is also called as Branchiostoma or Lamprey.
- It has dorsal nerve cord, Notochord , gills slits and post anal tail.
- It has a wide mouth at trunk ,anus on caudal fin and atriopore.
- Mostly they are burrowing but they can swim by the myotomes.
- A wheel organ or muller organ is present in epithelium of oral cavity help in feeding mechanism.
- Digestive process is present but digestion take place through phagocytosis.
- Circulatory system is closed . Blood is colourless and devoid of respiratory pigment and corpuscles.
- Amphioxus has endostyle which is similar to thyroid glands.
- Excretory organ are protonephredia contain numerous Solenoacytes
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