NEET : Multiple Choice Questions: Phylum - Cyclostomata

1. Cyclostomes are:  
A. Endoparasites on most of fish
B. Ectoparasites on most of fish
C.Endoparasites on some  fish 
D.Ectoparasites on some fish  
Answer: D Explanation 

2. Which one of the following is not a character of Cyclostomata.
A. Upper and lower jaw.
B. Elongated body.
C. Scale less body
D. Circular and sucking mouth
Answer: A  Explanation 

3. How many pairs  of gill slits are present on Cyclostomata for respiration.
A. 8 to 10 pairs 
B. 6 to 15 pairs
C. 10 to 20 pairs
D. 12 to 24 pairs
Answer: B Explanation

4. Which one of the following statement is incorrect for the Cyclostomata
A. They have eel like elongated body.
B. They have circular and sucking mouth.
C. Scales and paired fins are absent.
D. Cranium and vertebral column is cartilaginous.
Answer : C Explanation

5. Which one of the following pair is incorrect for the Cyclostomata.
A. Mouth : Circular and sucking 
B. Vertebral column : Bony
C.Skin : Smooth without scales
D. Circulatory system: closed type.
Answer: B Explanation

6.Cyclostomes are Agnatha , signifies
A. Elongated body
B. Sucking mouth 
C. Absence of jaw
D. Scale less body
Answer: C Explanation

7. Myxine is
A. Cuttle fish. B. Jelly fish
C. Dog fish.   D. Hag fish
Answer: D Explanation

8. Which of the following statement is not correct for the Cyclostomata.
A. They are marine but migrated into fresh water for spawning.
B. After few days of spawning they die.
C.Their larva are remain survive   into fresh water without metamorphosis .
D. Their larva after metamorphosis return to ocean.
Answer: C Explanation

9. Petromyzon is
A. Cuttle fish. B. Jelly fish
C. Dog fish.   D. Hag fish
Answer: D Explanation

10. Given below is a Diagram of petromyzon. Identify the organ denoted by letter A 

A. Tympanum.   B. Nostril
C. Gills slits.       D. Eye spot
Answer: C 
