Aves ( Birds) : General Characters and Examples
- Aves are class of vertebrates that are worm blooded including bird in which fore limb are modified into wings.
General Characters
- Body is covered by feathers. Most of birds can fly except some birds which are flight less birds.
- Fore limbs are modified into wing whereas hind limb are adapted for walking, swimming or clasping the tree branches. Hind limb have scales.
- Skin is dry without glands. An oil gland is present only at base of tail.
- Endoskeleton is made up of bone and fully ossified.
- Long bone is pneumatic because bone is hollow with air cavity.
- Digestive tract has two additional chamber crop and gizzard.
- Heart has four chambers. Two Atrium and two ventricles.
- They are warm blooded or homeo thermal. They maintain their body temperature .
- Respiration take place by lung. Lung are connected with air sac which are accessory respiratory organ.
- Fertilization is internal. Saxes are seprate. Development is direct and they are oviparous.
Example of Aves
1. Corvus
- It is commonly called as House Crow.
- It is most common, most familiar and most intelligent bird.
- It's body length in 32 to 42 cm in length.
- Eyes are large. Mouth has elongated beak.
- Tail has elongated feathers.
- Neck and breast are grey.
- Feet has 3 toes in front and one toes in back and adapted for perching.
- It is omnivorous and important scavenger in nature.
2. Psittacula
- It is commonly called as Rose ringed parakeet or Tota.
- Typical red bill is short , stout and deeply hooked.
- It's body is slender with long pointed tail.
- The black or rose pink collar is present in male but absent in female.
- Feet are adapted for grasping.
- Fruit and ripening fruits are prominent fruit of Psittacula.
- It is a popular cage bird and can be taught to repeat some words or sentence.
3. Columba
- It is commonly called as black rose pigeon or Kabutar.
- Two dark bar are present on wing and one band is present across the end of tail.
- It's body length is 32 cm or more in length.
- Male and female are not same.
- Columba feed cereals pulses , ground nut etc.
- It is a semi domesticated animals.
4. Pavo
- It is commonly called as Peacock or Mor in hindi. It has been selected as national bird of India.
- The gorgeous ocellated or eye train of the cock is actually not it's tail but abnormally lengthened upper tail covert.
- It's feet are well adapted for scratching and running. Feet are adapted for grasping.
- The feathers are with aftershaft. The bill is short. Peacock has been eyesight and hearing.
- It feed grains, vegetable but also feed insect, lizard and small snakes.
5. Struthio
- It is commonly called as Ostrich. Male ostrich is Black in color whereas female is brown.
- The head is small and bill is short. Eyes are big brown in color with black eyelashes.
- Ostrich has strong legs with two toes and used escape from predator. It can gain speed almost 80 Km per hour.
- Ostrich are omnivorous , it feed on plants and insects.
- It is a flightless birds because keel bone is absent therefore its flight muscles are not functional.
- It's leg have massive muscles so it can give serous injury after kicking.
- Ostrich spent nomadic life style and is diurnal. It remain active at early day or evening.
5. Aptenodyte
- It is commonly called as Penguin. It is an aquatic birds and flightless.
- Its skin has a thick layer called blubber. It act as a insulator and prevent to loss the body heat in clod climate.
- It has short feather 🪶. It also has flipper for the swimming.
- It has strong leg with webbed feet. It also has a short tail like wedge.
- It's bill is long and thin. Its skin has salt glands.
- They are monogamous in breeding and found in herd.
6. Neophron
- It is commonly called as vulture.
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