Spring wood , autumn wood, sapwood, heartwood - Annual ring

  • In tropical area, the growth of secondary xylem is continuous and in others, the growth is quite distinct and appears in form of annual ring. 

  • There are favourable or unfavourable season for the plants. 
  • In temperate areas, spring and early summer are favourable whereas autumn and winter are unfavourable season.
Autumn and Winter wood
  • During spring and early summer, a large amount of secondary wood is formed due to rapid divison of vascular cambium. It is called spring wood. 
  • Spring wood has large and light staining xylem elements.

  • During unfavourable season, the activity of  vascular cambium decrease and perform few cell divison during autumn. This wood is called autumn wood or late wood. 

  • The autumn wood is made up of smaller and dark  xylem elements. 

  • This wood also contain more tracheids and vessels. Autumn wood is much darker and has large density than spring wood. 

Remember 👌👌 After autumn wood and before spring wood , there is no growth . 

  • Light spring wood and dark autumn wood form an annual ring or growth ring . It represents the total formed secondary xylem in year. 

  • By counting the number of annual ring, the age of tree can be calculated with the help of apparatus called increment borer. 

Sap wood and Heart wood

  • In older stem, the wood or secondary xylem is  differentiated into sap wood and heart wood.

  • Sap wood or alburnum is outer light coloured functional wood. 

  • Sap wood contain living cell and participated in conduction of sap. 

  • Heart wood or duramen is has central or  dark  coloured non functional wood where living cell are degenerated and treachery elements are plugged.  

  • Duramen is formed through the activity of xylem parenchyma cells. The intrusion of parenchyma cells into treachery element are called tyloses

  • The parenchyma cells are finally lignified and dead. The various biochemical product are deposited called extractive. 

  • These extractive include tannins, resins gums,  oils, aromatic substances and essential oils. They are antiseptic and coloured. 

  • Heart wood is dark brown and not damaged by microorganism and insect. 

  • This wood is heavy, stronger, and more durable but it is prominently attached by fungi.


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