NEET : Multiple Choice Questions: Phylum Porifera


1. Consider the following sentences and select the number of  correct statements

1. Poriferan are called as Sponges.
2.  All sponges are  found in marine water.
3. Digestion in sponges are intracellular.
4. Sponges are asymmetrical and primitive multicellular animals.
5. Porifera are Diploblastic with cellular level of organisation.
A. Two           B. Three
C. Four           D. Five
Answer : C Explanation 

2. Canal system is unique feature of Porifera that facilitate the path of water
A. Ostia - osculum - spongocoel
B. Ostia - Spongocoel - Osculum
C. Spongocoel - ostia - osculum
D. Spongocoel - osculum - ostia
Answer - B Explanation

3. The minute pore on body of sponge through which water enters from outside called as
A. Choanocytes 
B. Osculum
C. Spongocoel
D. Ostia 
Answer: D Explanation

4. The body cavity of Sponges is 
A. Para gastric cavity
B. Spongocoel
C. Gastrovascular cavity
D. Para gastric cavity and spongocoel
Answer : D Explanation

5. Consider the following function of canal system and select the correct code:
1. Food gathering 
2  Respiratory Exchange
3. Removal of water 
A. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3
C. 1 and 3
D. 1 ,2 and 3
Answer : D Explanation

6. Which one of the following body parts in sponges are lined by the choanocytes.
A. Spongocoel and osculum 
B. Canals and ostia
C. Osculum and ostia
D. Spongocoel and Canals
Answer : D Explanation

7. Which one the following pairs is not correctly matched.
A. Spongocoel : Para gastric cavity
B. Canal system : Water transport
C. Choanocytes : Collar cells
D. Osculum :  Water Enters
Answer : D Explanation

8. Body of sponges are supported by the exoskeleton  made up of 
A. Spicules  
B . Spongin fibre
C. Both Spicules and spongin fiber
D. Neither Spicules nor spongin fiber
Answer : D Explanation

9. Which one of following features is not associated with members of Sponges.
A. Extracellular and intracellular Digestion
B.  Fertilization takes place inside the body 
C. Sperms and Eggs are produced by the same individual  
D.  Asexual Reproduction by the fragmentation
Answer : A Explanation

10. Which of the following statement is not correct.
A. Larva of Porifera is morphological distinct from the adult.
B. Saxes are Separate.
C. Sexual reproduction takes place by fusion of gamete.
D. Development is indirect.
Answer : B Explanation

11. Match the list 
A. Sycon          1. Scypha
B. Euspongia 2. Bath Sponge
C. Spongilla  3. Fresh water                                sponge

             A            B             C
A.         3             2              1
B.         1             2              3
C.         2             1              3
D.         3             1              2
Answer : B Explanation
